Consultancy Jobs
Total of 47 Employers
  • EY 7 Jobs
    The diversity and dispersion of digital information continues to grow as the legal and regulatory environments become more challenging. From pre-litigation information management to....
  • BDO 0 Jobs
    BDO is the leading provider of professional services within the mid-tier of our profession. We are proud to deliver seamless client service, from 1658....
  • Arkus are an independent boutique eDiscovery service provider. We were born out of a desire to do things better. Our experience comes from some....
  • Sky Discovery is a litigation technology consultancy specialising in premium project management, electronic discovery, forensic technology, and legal document review. Sky Discovery is a....
  • Join the Crew We’re a mix of people from many walks of life, who thrive on knowledge and a youthful spirit. We have a....
  • Accuracy 0 Jobs
    Accuracy is a wholly independent international consulting firm providing advice to company management and shareholders for their strategic or critical decisions, notably in transactions,....
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